Open call invitation for short pieces, or an extract from a longer work, for a scratch event as part of CDF19
We are partnering with the University of South Wales on a scratch event to be held on Sunday 10 November.
We’re aiming to select five artists, or groups of artists, to share work in progress. Three artists will be selected through this open call and the University of South Wales and ourselves will both nominate one artist each.
— Work can be up to twelve minutes long
— Work will be shown in a studio format at the University of South Wales
— No lighting, sound only.
The format for the event will include an opportunity for structured feedback and a chance to network with colleagues and audience.
If you’ve got work you’d like considered please send us:
— A short artistic statement about the piece and up to date CVs for you and other lead collaborators. Your artistic statement can be submitted either in writing or as a video up to 5 minutes long
— A link to a video of the piece as it currently exists. If that’s not possible, send us a link to another piece you’ve created
— Information about any access requirements you may have that will help us plan for the event.
Please send your submission by midday on Friday 4 October 2019 to
Queries and questions to
This call is open to practitioners both from within Wales and further afield.
We will be able to make a contribution of £50 towards costs for each selected artist.
Confirmation of lead event details:
Date — Sunday 10 November 2019
Start time — 6pm
Location — Dance Studio, University of South Wales
We will expect selected artists to be available during the afternoon, details to be confirmed.
Information updated: 20.9.2019