Ddeng mlynedd yn ôl mi ddes i ar draws cyfweliad lle'r oedd ffidlwr gwerin yn disgrifio 'dawns goll, marwnad i un fenyw i goffáu marwolaeth Llywelyn ein Llyw Olaf.'
Mae Morfa Rhuddlan wedi dod i'r golwg yn sgil fy ymgais i gael hyd i'r 'ddawns goll' hon.
Gallwch brofi Morfa Rhuddlan drwy dair elfen. Stiwdio agored lle mae croeso i bawb, cyfres o deithiau cerdded a darn dawns.
Stiwdio agored Nos Fercher 20 Tachwedd, o 7yh Cliciwch yma i gael mwy o wybodaeth
Teithiau cerdded Dydd Iau 21 a dydd Gwener 22 Tachwedd, 11.30yb a 2.30yp
Perfformiadau Dydd a nos Sadwrn 23 Tachwedd, 4yp a 8th Cliciwch yma i archebu tocynnau
Information about the walks
The walks are intended for small groups of people, with up to three people at a time. They will start from the foyer at Chapter and last approximately 90 minutes.
Siriol will take the audience for each walk through the story of Morfa Rhuddlan, how she came across it and the different practices that she's working with. During the walk Siriol will also invite the audience to do two elements of the dance score for the piece with her.
Each walk will respond to the group of people involved, but if there is anything you would like us to know before taking part do drop an email to info@dance.wales.
The walks will take place regardless of the weather, but if it is particularly wet indoor shelter will be found. Please check the weather forecast beforehand and wear suitable clothing for the conditions being forecast.
Any bags or personal belongings you bring with you that you don't want to take on the walk will be safely looked after at Chapter by Cardiff Dance Festival staff.
Coreograffydd o Aberystwyth yw Siriol Joyner. Mae’n obsesedig â iaith a’i pherthynas â dawnsio. Cwblhaodd Siriol Radd Feistr Celfyddyd Gain mewn Coreograffi ym Mhrifysgol y Celfyddydau Stockholm yn 2018.
Roedd Siriol yn rhan o Interruption, ein prosiect India Cymru gyda Basement 21 ym 2017.