• Scratch

We're delighted to be holding a Scratch event as part of this year's festival, hosted by the University of South Wales. 

Artists involved — Charlotte Perkins, Jessica Lerner, Lucy Jones and Yoodaloo Dance Theatre.

Entry to Scratch is free. If you would like us to reserve a seat for you do drop an email to tickets@dance.wales and we will gladly add you to the list. 


Back to basics — drawing and movement explorations
Created and performed by Jessica Lerner
Music by Bram Stad-houders

Created and performed by Lucy Jones
Music by James Blake and Douglas Dare

Written and directed by Isla Hurst
Performed by Amber Howells and George Swattridge
Choreographed by Amber Howells and George Swattridge in collaboration with Isla Hurst
Music by Duran Duran and the talking heads

How Do You Remember Everything?
Choreographer: Charlotte Perkins
Performers: Charlotte Perkins, Lucy Jones, Martha Dunbar and Shakeera Ahmun
Music by Rand Aldo, Moux and Hong Kong Atmosphere